Progetto europeo “Grasslands4Biodiversity”: preservare la biodiversità in prati e pascoli alpini

Come individuare prati e pascoli ricchi di specie e preservarne e aumentarne la biodiversità? È la domanda da cui ha preso le mosse il progetto europeo “Grasslands4Biodiversity”, avviato nel 2023, a cui il Centro di Sperimentazione Laimburg partecipa insieme a Eurac Research e altri 12 partner di sei Paesi europei.

How to apply mycorrhizal fungi in fruit growing - BioFruitNet Practice Abstract

Organic fruit growing often faces challenges like lack of water or nutrient availability, which in turn can have significant adverse effects on the health of the fruit tree and harvest.

Application of mycorrhizal fungi products to the soil during fruit growing can enable plants to absorb water and nutrients from the soil better.

Multi-species summer cover crop in protected vegetable systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)

In protected vegetable systems of the Mediterranean area, having bare soil for several weeks in late summer, post cash crop harvest, may induce soil degradation. Providing a soil cover in any period is key to preserve the soil's biological activity and maintain good agronomic conditions (e.g. soil structure) for the following crops.

Farming System Trial - 40 years report - Rodale Institute

Rodale Institute’s mission has always been to increase the number of organic farmers and acres under organic care. The research is at the foundation of that effort. Through rigorous scientific examination, the Institute is deepening the understanding of how and why organic methods work and we’re gathering knowledge about the best practices that we can share with farmers.