Organic fertilizers in fruit orchards

A BioFruitNet practice abstract. Fertilization of organic fruit orchards strongly relies on authorized external commercial fertilizers leading to nutrient flows from conventional into organic farming systems. The use of alternative fertilizers including legume-based materials and non-contentious external commercial fertilizers, should be based on locally available resourced. An integrated approach is recommended.

Practices to improve soil fertility and nutrient availability in organic fruit orchards

A BioFruitNet practice abstract. Organic fruit orchards are dependent on commercial organic fertilizers derived from intensive conventional animal husbandry. These inputs are contentious and to be phased out. As a solution,  it is possible to develop new fertilization strategies based on farm internal resources (e.g., clover based), plant-based sources (e.g., grain legumes as living mulch in the tree row, cover crops).

Ecological approach to soil fertility and health in the Tropics - Practices that improve the soil and meet crops needs

This factsheet introduces soil fertility and health, explains how the holistic organic farming approach improves soil fertility, provides some practices which contribute to improving soil health and help meet the nutrient requirement of crops, animals and humans. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across different countries in Africa, as well as Bolivia and India.
The products are intended for use by African farmers, advisors, teachers and students.

Productivity on ecological organic farms in the Tropics - Producing good yields using the ecological approach

This factsheet discusses some best organic practices for good yields in ecological organic systems, the role of diversity, and highlights some opportunities and challenges with selected crops in organic production. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across different countries in Africa, as well as Bolivia and India.
The products are intended for use by African farmers, advisors, teachers and students.

Ecological approach to organic farming in the Tropics - Introducing the active system approach

This factsheet introduces the ecological approach to organic farming, changes that are necessary to implement the approach, expected benefits, and provides a few examples of recommended systems for the tropics. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across different countries in Africa, as well as Bolivia and India.
The products are intended for use by African farmers, advisors, teachers and students.

Vigneto: gestione biologica e integrata allo specchio, 10 anni di prove a confronto

Gestione biologica e integrata a confronto alla Fondazione Edmund Mach, dove i tecnici del Centro Trasferimento Tecnologico hanno illustrato ad una cinquantina di tecnici del settore vitivinicolo ed enologi delle cantine trentine i risultati di una sperimentazione durata oltre dieci anni nel campus di San Michele all'Adige.

Gestione biologica e integrata del vigneto, 10 anni di prove a confronto

Gestione biologica e integrata a confronto, nei giorni scorsi, alla Fondazione Edmund Mach dove i tecnologi del Centro Trasferimento Tecnologico hanno illustrato ad una cinquantina di tecnici del settore vitivinicolo ed enologi delle cantine trentine i risultati di una sperimentazione durata oltre dieci anni nel campus di San Michele all'Adige.

Concluso il progetto “Novagro - Sistemi biologici innovativi per un’agricoltura sostenibile e competitiva”

A conclusione del progetto Novagro, che ha avuto come obiettivo la promozione di un agro-ecosistema bio efficiente in grado di mantenere elevati standard produttivi razionalizzando l’utilizzo delle risorse naturali limitate, è stato realizzato un opuscolo con i risultati dell'applicazione di pratiche agricole sostenibili e tecnologie innovative, sperimentate nelle aziende partner del progetto.