Functional biodiversity: Mediterranean plants to improve natural enemies in organic citrus

Resurgent pests or invasive exotic pests (e.g., two new species of mealybugs, or the Trioza erytreae, transmitter of the Huanglongbing disease (HLB)) are major challenges of the Mediterranean citriculture). The solution could be to increase the presence and prevalence of natural enemies of pests through the introduction of plant biodiversity such as perimeter hedges, ground covers and flower strips.

Organic fertilizers in fruit orchards

A BioFruitNet practice abstract. Fertilization of organic fruit orchards strongly relies on authorized external commercial fertilizers leading to nutrient flows from conventional into organic farming systems. The use of alternative fertilizers including legume-based materials and non-contentious external commercial fertilizers, should be based on locally available resourced. An integrated approach is recommended.

Practices to improve soil fertility and nutrient availability in organic fruit orchards

A BioFruitNet practice abstract. Organic fruit orchards are dependent on commercial organic fertilizers derived from intensive conventional animal husbandry. These inputs are contentious and to be phased out. As a solution,  it is possible to develop new fertilization strategies based on farm internal resources (e.g., clover based), plant-based sources (e.g., grain legumes as living mulch in the tree row, cover crops).

Knowledge Networks in Organic Fruit Production across Europe: A Survey Study

Limited data regarding the resources and methods used by organic fruit growers to learn about production practices are available, even though this information is crucial to improving the efficacy of knowledge transfer. Therefore, a survey to gain information from knowledge networks dealing with organic fruit production about their structural organisation, tasks and methods of communication was carried out in twenty-one countries from Europe and the Mediterranean basin.

An Overview of Pest and Disease Occurrence in Organic Pome Fruit Orchards in Europe and on the Implementation of Practices for Their Control

There is limited data regarding the specific problems faced by organic fruit growers when dealing with plant protection, particularly at a European Union level, though some general knowledge about pest and disease incidence can be found. Such information is crucial to improve the efficacy of a targeted knowledge transfer to organic fruit growers and advisors aiming at an increased adoption of innovative practices.

Nel Biodistretto del Chianti l'agroecologia è realtà, di Tommaso Cinquemani

Un articolo su AgroNotizie fa il punto su un’area della Toscana vocata alla produzione di vino d’eccellenza, dove oltre un terzo delle aziende vitivinicole è biologico. Nonostante ciò sono presenti anche problemi,  come l’abbandono dei terreni marginali, la marginalizzazione delle colture tradizionali come olivi e cereali, l’impoverimento del tessuto produttivo locale. In tale contesto è nato il Biodistretto del Chianti, con un rinnovato interesse per l’agroecologia attraverso il progetto Uniseco promosso dal CREA.

Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Control strategy for organic pome production

Apple scab is the primary fungal disease in apple cultivation affecting entire harvests as well as the following year's production. The damage can occur both in the plant and during storage. In organic farming, scab control is mostly carried out using precautionary measures. Plant protection products are used for direct control before the onset of rain and during spore germination as "scab stop".

Codling moth (Cydia pomonella): Control methods in organic fruit production

Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is the primary pest in organic fruit growing. It damages apple, pear, quince, rowan, medlar, walnut and kaki. Generations/years vary depending on the soil and climates zones. Several control methods can be applied in organic farming depending on the infection rate, but plant protection products and mating disruption are the most common. Choosing suitable methods may reduce the time for intervention in the field.

L’albero da frutto nell’organismo agricolo biodinamico, di Paolo Pistis

“Gli alberi sono proprio dei centri di raccolta di sostanze astrali. […] l’albero arricchisce fino a grande distanza l’atmosfera spirituale con l’astralità che ha intorno a sé […]” - Rudolf Steiner, 15 Giugno 1924, Koberwitz , “Impulsi scientifico spirituali per il progresso dell’agricoltura” editrice Antroposofica