Producing seeds in organic agriculture: Coriander

This technical sheet explains the key points to successfully produce coriander seeds in organic agriculture. When coriander is properly planted and cared for, it is a relatively hardy seed-bearing crop, developing rapidly while showing little susceptibility to various pests.

This technical sheet, in French,  deals with the production of coriander seeds in organic agriculture. It encompasses:

I terreni gestiti con metodo biologico contengono microbi benefici che aiutano a controllare le malattie del suolo: uno studio dall'India

I terreni coltivati con metodi biologici ospitano un microbioma più diversificato rispetto a quello dei terreni coltivati con metodi convenzionali, dove molti agricoltori trattano le loro colture con sostanze chimiche di sintesi per combattere le malattie del suolo. Secondo un recente studio a lungo termine condotto in India e pubblicato su Applied Soil Ecology, questi microbi biologici sono fondamentali per la soppressione delle malattie delle piante.

A FIBL technical guide: “Earthworms, architects of fertile soils”

Although much is known about the general taxonomy and biology of earthworms, knowledge about their impact on soils, their interactions with other soil organisms and the influence of farming practices on their populations is increasing only slowly.

Earthworms are usually the most abundant soil animals in agricultural soils. They are known to improve physical, chemical and biological properties of soils. Together with soil microorganisms they have a great potential to enhance soil fertility.

Ecological approach to soil fertility and health in the Tropics - Practices that improve the soil and meet crops needs

This factsheet introduces soil fertility and health, explains how the holistic organic farming approach improves soil fertility, provides some practices which contribute to improving soil health and help meet the nutrient requirement of crops, animals and humans. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across different countries in Africa, as well as Bolivia and India.
The products are intended for use by African farmers, advisors, teachers and students.

The role of cover crops in improving soil fertility and plant nutritional status in temperate climates. A review

Cover crops (CCs) are a promising and sustainable agronomic practice to ameliorate soil health and crop performances. However, the complex of relationships between CCs, the soil, and the plant nutritional status has been little investigated. In this article, for the first time, we critically review, under a holistic approach, the reciprocal relationships between CCs and the soil physical and hydraulic properties, microbial, and faunal communities, soil nutrient availability, and plant nutritional status in temperate climates.

FIBL: aggiornata la guida sui lombrichi, preziosi alleati delle aziende bio

Il FiBL ha aggiornato e integrato la sua guida sui lombrichi e sul ruolo da essi svolto nei suoli agricoli. Sebbene si sappia molto sulla tassonomia generale, sulla biologia e sull'ecologia di questi anellidi, le conoscenze sul loro impatto sul suolo, sulle loro interazioni con altri organismi del suolo e sull'influenza delle pratiche agricole sulle loro popolazioni crescono solo lentamente.

Un opuscolo FIBL sull’impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulla gestione del suolo nel biologico

“Soil and climate - Climate impact of organic soil management”: si intitola così un nuovo opuscolo informativo FIBL che  esamina da vicino il ruolo che gioca l'agricoltura nel cambiamento climatico. Vengono presentati vari risultati scientifici che mostrano il potenziale dell'agricoltura biologica nella mitigazione del  cambiamento climatico.