
Currently 30.4 million hectares are certified according to organic
standards (data as at the end of 2006). Australia continues to account
for the largest certified organic surface area, with 12.3 million
hectares, followed by China (2.3 million hectares), Argentina (2.2
million hectares) and the USA (1.6 million hectares). The greatest
share of global organic surface area is in Oceania/Australia (42%),
followed by Europe (24%) and Latin America (16%). In terms of certified
land under organic management as a proportion of national agricultural
area, the Alpine countries, such as Austria (13%, 361,487 hectares) and
Switzerland (12%, 125,596 hectares), top the statistics. Compared to
the adjusted data of the previous survey, the global organic area grew
by approximately 1.8 million hectares during 2006. Growth was strongest
in Oceania/Australia (more than 600,000 hectares) and Europe (more than
500,000 hectares). Further info at <br><i>Source of information:</i> SINAB<br>