Intercropping of wheat and pea can suppress weed growth and enhances water use efficiency under Mediterranean conditions - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract for organic farming

Weed management in agriculture is an important issue. Conventional agriculture relies on the use of synthetic herbicides which have detrimental environmental & health impacts. The use of intercropping with different crop species and high density, can suppress the development of weeds and so, improve the weed management in a sustainable way, as well as enhance water use efficiency.

Agronomic and genetic assessment of organic wheat performance in England: a field-scale cultivar evaluation with a network of farms

Yield gaps between organic and conventional agriculture raise concerns about future agricultural systems which should reduce external inputs and face an unpredictable climate. In the UK, the performance gap is especially severe for wheat that, as a result, has a small and shrinking organic acreage. In organic wheat production, most determinants of crop performance are managed at a rotation level, which leaves cultivar choice as the major decision on a seasonal basis.

Targeted timing of hairy vetch cover crop termination with roller crimper can eliminate glyphosate requirements in no-till sunflower

No-till cropping systems with cover crops can improve soil health, but often rely on glyphosate, which is a contentious herbicide. In this study, we investigated whether a system based on the direct sowing of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in the dead mulch of a roller-crimped hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) could be competitive with a system where glyphosate is also sprayed to terminate the cover crop and to control weeds.