Farming System Trial (FST)

To fulfill its mission, the  Rodale Institute created a study that would use the most credible analytic methods to compare the side-by-side results of organic and conventional farming practices from a variety of perspectives and planned to share that knowledge with farmers, scientists, and policymakers. Over the last 40 years, the research has evolved and broadened, building a deeper body of information with each passing season.

Bioagricoltura con le rese del convenzionale, si può fare, di Carlo Triarico

L’ articolo riprende i risultati del Farming System Trial (FST)  avviato dallo statunitense Rodale Institute nel 1981, che ha tra l’altro mirato a incrementare la produttività per ettaro del sistema bio sulle piantagioni sperimentali di mais, soia, avena e grano, le colture che costituiscono la prima produzione agricola nazionale, e che ha dato risultati molto interessanti, dimostrando che è possibile raffinare le pratiche

Farming System Trial - 40 years report - Rodale Institute

Rodale Institute’s mission has always been to increase the number of organic farmers and acres under organic care. The research is at the foundation of that effort. Through rigorous scientific examination, the Institute is deepening the understanding of how and why organic methods work and we’re gathering knowledge about the best practices that we can share with farmers.