Agronomical practices to reduce the risk of Rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) occurrence in organic fruit production (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract)

Rosy apple aphid causes leaf crumple, hinders shoot development, and leads to deformed, small, unmarketable fruits. Honeydew production also causes the development of saprophytic fungi.

Correct agronomical management such as optimal nitrogen (N) fertilisation, irrigation, pruning, and control of the secondary host of the aphid can reduce the incidence of the pest.

Strategy to enhance biodiversity in orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)

Pest control in organic fruit orchards should not rely on external inputs with adverse effects but on other strategies and methods that support biodiversity and natural cycles adapted to local conditions.

Measures contributing to the enhancement of beneficial insects, pollinators and general biodiversity in the orchard can be integrated in the orchard or at the borders.

Control methods in organic citrus against the new invasive Mealybug Delottococcus aberiae

Delottococcus aberiae is a widespread invasive mealybug native to South Africa. It reaches high population levels and causes severe distortion and size reduction in developing fruits. Combining different methodologies, such as precautionary measures, application of plant protection products, an attract-and-kill system with sexual pheromone, physical barriers against ants and the release of predators, may help control mealybug.

Alternate mowing in organic orchards as a biodiversity enhancement measure

Beneficial insects often lack enough food supply and nesting spots in orchards. Most of the measures to enhance biodiversity also require investment for implementation. Alternate mowing is a cheap, easy and fast implementable measure to raise food and nesting supply of natural antagonists. The workload decreases, and therefore it saves time and costs. Alternating mulching preserves the driving lanes and increases the diversity of other indifferent plant and animal species in the orchard.

Mating Disruption: Key element of a successful building block strategy against Cydia pomonella in organic apple production

The codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is the most important and most frequent pest in organic fruit growing. The larvae of the codling moth damage apples in particular and can cause considerable crop losses.

The confusion technique can be considered as an elementary component of codling moth control. The most important condition for successful control is a low initial population.

Preventive and indirect measures to regulate woolly apple aphid in organic orchards

The Woolly apple aphid (E. lanigerum) can cause severe damage, especially in organic cultivation; sucking activity causes bark growth, the so-called blood louse canker. Promoting natural antagonists in organic orchards is a key element in controlling E. lanigerum. Further, the tree growth should be balanced through proper (root) pruning.

Pear sawfly (Hoplocampa brevis): catch that fly

A BIOFRUITNET- Boosting Innovation in ORGANIC FRUIT production through stronger networks publication - A Pear sawfly (Hoplocampa brevis) is a pest in organic fruit production. Eggs are laid during bloom in the flower bottom. Larvae move to 2-3 other fruits and devastate the young fruitlets. Sawflies are attracted to the white colour of the flowers. White sticky traps have been used for many years to monitor flight.

The potential of biofumigation to control soil borne pests, pathogens and weeds

Soil-borne pests and pathogens can bring major constraints to crop production and their suppression often relies on synthetic chemicals that can be ineffective and/or expensive. A crop protection approach with broad efficacy and applicability for a wide range of crops and agronomic situations is needed. A group of UK growers who have been using and developing biofumigation and two industry experts in the field have explored the practicalities of applying the technique.

Drosophila suzukii control: Preventive measures in organic stone fruit orchards

A BioFruitNet practice abstract. The spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii is an invasive pest attacking soft fruit species (berries, cherries, plums, grapes), as well as many wild berry plants. D. suzukii female adultslay eggs into the fruits from which larvae develop. The control strategy of D. suzukii includes preventive measures1 such as orchard management, field hygiene, and choice of cultivar. The combination of preventive measures and intervention measures can reduce D.