Trentasette milioni di ettari di terreni coltivati con il metodo
biologico; Australia, Argentina  e USA i Paesi con la maggiore estensione; un aumento di 2
milioni di ettari (6%) del territorio coltivato a biologicoin tutto il mondo. Sono questi alcuni
numeri della 12esima edizione del “World of Organic Agriculture”, che riporta i dati del 2009 e che
include le statistiche provenienti da 160 Paesi. Esso verrà presentato in occasione del prossimo
Biofach di…
<div style="text-align: justify;">Saturday 19 Feb. was the
closing day of BioFach, the World Organic Trade Fair, and Vivaness, the Trade Fair for Natural
Personal Care and Wellness. This year&nbsp; welcomed over
44,000 visitors (2010: 43,669) to the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 16–19 February 2011. The
visiting professionals from 131 countries (2010: 119) were delighted with the four-day display of
innovative organic food, eco-textiles and…
<div style="text-align: justify;">The Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies will be present at BioFach with a wide institutional stand (230, Hall 4) organized by Buonitalia SpA, It will include the Ministry, SINAB (the National Information System on Organic Farming), the Ministry for Economic Development and ICE, the Foreign Trade Institute. All the events can be found in annex. <br></div><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/…
<br>We publish the 96th Standing Committee on Organic Farming agenda: the meeting will take place in Brussels on 29 and 30 March.<br><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1253_scof_agenda_jan2011.pdf">The Agenda</a><br><br>Source: UE <br>
<div style="text-align: justify;">Two new Regulations will soon be published in the EU Official Gazette after the last Standing Committee on Organic Farming (held in Brussels on 29-31 March) delivered its favourable opinion.<br><br>The first Regulation, submitted to written procedure, refers to three specific arguments:<br>- the use of the EU organic farming logo: it will make more explicit the need for the operators to be submitted to the control system;<br…
<div style="text-align: justify;">During January and February 2011 the output prices of organic products showed to be stable. Concerning consumptions, with reference to packed products, the general situation is variable in relation with the end of 2010 and the first two months of 2011 while, for unpacked fruit and vegetables, prices showed an increase. Consumers appear to have further increased their purchases for home consumption: +13% for packed organic products, +11.6% for…
<div style="text-align: justify;">The new Regulation (EC)
426/2011 of 2 May 2011 has been published on the Official EU Gazette. It modifies Reg. (EC)
889/2008. It includes one single article indicating that Member States are obliged to provide, even
on Internet, the updated lists of the organic farming operators with the related
documents.<br></div><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1388_reg-344-2011-engl.pdf"></a…
<div style="text-align: justify;">The Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies has published a new decree (nr. 309 of 13/01/2011) related to "Accidental and technically unavoidable contaminations from pesticides in organic farming" (Official Gazette nr. 82, 9 April 2011). The aim of the decree is to provide uniform criteria to control bodies for their evaluation of accidental contamination of pesticides in organic products. <br></div><…
<div style="text-align: justify;">The agricultural surface dedicated to organic farming in Germany in 2010 has&nbsp; continued to grow (+4.6%, when in 2009&nbsp; the growth was +4.3%). The number of organic farms has increased by 4.3% (+6.3% in 2009). The leader <span style="font-style: italic;">Lander</span>, with the largest organic surface, is Bavaria, with about 200,000 ha and 9,000 farms. In 2010, the total organic surface in Germany reached…
<div style="text-align: justify;">The Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Saverio Romano, commenting the data on Italian organic productions elaborated by SINAB, judged very positively the growth of the sector, confirming Italian leadership in Europe for the sector.<br></div><br>The <a href="…; to the MiPAAF press release (in Italian) <br><br><br>Source: Mipaaf