<div style="text-align: justify;">The "Bible" of the Italian "organic" system, the "who's who" of the sector, including all the useful information to discover it, is once again available in its 2011 edition. "TuttoBio" can be bought in the main Italian bookshops,(but also via web: www.biobank.it) such as Feltrinelli, MelBook store, or in organic food shops.&nbsp; <br>"TuttoBio" includes a BioBank report, published…
Nel 2010 i consumi domestici di prodotti biologici confezionati
hanno registrato ancora un aumento (+11,6%) in valore, che risulta essere il più elevato degli
ultimi otto anni. Per i prodotto bio sfusi, per cui il Panel famiglie Ismea dispone dei dati per la
sola ortofrutta fresca, l'incremento è invece stato più ridotto (+8,1%).<br><br>Tra le principali
categorie di prodotti bio confezionati in crescita superiore alla media (intorno al 13%) in
At the last 'Standing Committee meeting on Organic Farming' (Brussels, 29-30 March) the Italian delegation introduced the new Decree no. 20804 on the limits of residues on organic products (the <a href="../share/img_normativa_politica_files/487_decreto_contaminazioni.pdf">DM</a> and its <a href="../share/img_normativa_politica_files/488_decreto_contaminazioni_allegato.pdf">annex</a> here in Italian), asking for a Commission intervention to…
The SIAN&nbsp; (Italian Agriculture Information System) has now publish the<br><a href="http://www.sian.it/abiopubb/home/startConsElencoAziende.do">Register of Italian Organic Farms- the link-</a>
Sono in fase di allestimento all’interno del sito web del Sinab,
due nuove sezioni&nbsp; dedicate rispettivamente alle attività di <a href="http://www.sinab.it/index.php?mod=regioni&amp;smod=news&amp;m2id=190&am…;“Comunicazione
Istituzionale sul biologico”</a>&nbsp; da parte delle Regioni e Province Autonome, e alle iniziative
rivolte al <a href="http://www.sinab.it/index.php?mod=news&amp;m2id=185&amp;navId=1665"&gt;“…
Nel mese di marzo 2011 i prezzi all'origine dei prodotti biologici hanno registrato in prevalenza un andamento in crescita sia rispetto al mese precedente che allo stesso mese del 2010.<br>Nella fase al consumo, per i principali prodotti si sono riscontrati allo stesso modo prezzi in aumento rispetto al pari periodo dello scorso anno, ma più contenuti rispetto a quanto si è verificato sui mercati all'origine. Rispetto al 2010, si evidenzia quindi ancora una più equilibrata…
SINAB publishes the Ministerial Decree no. 14492 of 25 July 2011 related to the approval of the project proposals admitted to receive the funding foreseen by the National Action Plan for organic farming 2008-2009 - Actions 2.3 ("Support to interprofession")and 2.4 ("Initiatives to support producers' associations")<br><br>The Decree no. 14492 of 25 July 2011<br><br>Source: Mipaaf
<div style="text-align: justify;">The new Implementing Regulations (EC) 426/2011 and (EC) 590/2011 have been published on the Official EU Gazette. The first modifies Reg. (EC) 889/2008. Its single article obliges Member States to keep the list of organic operators updated and available to everybody. <br>The second Regulation modifies EC Reg.1235/2008 about the import regime of organic products from Third countries and, in particular, foresees the inclusion of Canada in the…
<div style="text-align: justify;">During July and August 2011, prices at the source of organic products in Italy showed a slight decrease, a tendency also recorded in the same period of 2010, though in presence of some sectors with stable prices. At consumption level, instead, the average prices of the main products showed a slight increase. Thus, in relation to 2010, there is no evidence of the phenomenon -more frequent recently- of a balanced value distribution all along the…
<div style="text-align: justify;">The Core Organic web-site reports the new call about research. 16 Countries have joined. The theme areas of the 2011 call are plant-breeding and the support to development of the organic market. <br>Italy participates with a financial support of 300,000 euro, but only for the first theme (Plant-breeding - Improvement of production efficiency and agricultural biodiversity within cropping systems by using eco-compatible breeding techniques…