<div style="text-align: justify;">A joint note of Italian and Spanish Ministries of Agriculture has been sent to the European Commission with the request to modify the proposal of the new Regulation on organic wine now under discussion in Brussels. The subject of the note is the use of sulfites. Italy and Spain request to link the quantity authorised to be used&nbsp; to the wine category (determined on the basis of the sugar content), rather than on the different wine-…
<div style="text-align: justify;">We now publish the agenda of the 103d "Standing Committee Meeting on Organic Farming" meeting: it will take place in Brussels on 24-25 November 2011.<br></div><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1631_103-scof-agenda.pdf">The agenda</a><br><br><br>Source: EC <br><br>
<div style="text-align: justify;">We publish the answer of the
EC 'Directorate H - Sustainability and Quality of Agriculture and Rural Development&nbsp; - H.3,
Organic farming' about an Italian request of clarification on organic&nbsp; rennet production,
following EC Reg. 834/2007.<br></div><br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/1644_organic-rennet.pdf">The note</a> (in English)<br><br>Source:…
<div style="text-align: justify;">During October 2011, prices at the source of Italian organic products were substantially stable in relation to September, while they showed a slight decrease in relation to the same month of 2010. <br></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Prices at consumers' level for the main products showed a moderate increase (higher than the price at the farm), at the same time decreasing a bit as a tendency, always in…
Sono disponibili sul sito web del SIAN gli <a href="http://www.sian.it/abiopubb/home/startConsElencoAziende.do">elenchi regionali degli operatori
biologici </a>operanti in Italia al 31 dicembre 2010. Oltre a quelli precedentemente pubblicati è
ora on line anche l’elenco della Regione Piemonte.<br><br>Fonte: Sinab<br><br><br>
Sono disponibili sul sito web del SIAN gli <a href="http://www.sian.it/abiopubb/home/startConsElencoAziende.do">elenchi regionali degli operatori
biologici</a> operanti in Italia al 31 dicembre 2010. Oltre a quelli precedentemente pubblicati sono
ora on line anche gli elenchi di Sardegna e Liguria.<br><br>Fonte: Sinab<br><br><br>
<div style="text-align: justify;">Organic greenhouse horticulture (OGH)(i.e the production in greenhouses or polytunnels) in the EU should improve its sustainability, production and productivity. Emissions of nutrients and its footprint should be reduced. Production and productivity are too low to meet the demand of the society. The scientific challenges are to design sustainable irrigation and fertilization strategies, to reveal the mechanisms of resilience, robustness and…
<div style="text-align: justify;">We now publish the agenda of the next "Standing Committee on Organic Farming" meeting: it will take place in Brussels on 7-8 February. During the meeting, the draft Regulation on organic wine shall be discussed. The new Regulation text is available at the following <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/tbt/tbt_repository/EEC395_EN_0_6.pdf">LI… href="../share/img_lib_files/1675_105-scof-agenda.pdf">The…
<div style="text-align: justify;">The European Commission signed an "historical agreement" with the USA for a new partnership on organic farming trade. Starting from 1 June, organic products certified&nbsp; in Europe or in the United States may be sold as organic in either region. This partnership between the two largest organic-producers in the world will establish a strong foundation from which to promote organic agriculture, benefiting the growing organic…
Dal 15 al 18 febbraio 2012, si è svolto a Norimberga il Salone
Mondiale per Prodotti Biologici, al quale il Ministero ha partecipato con uno stand istituzionale
dove erano presenti anche due postazioni informative dell’Ismea e del Sinab. Per le quattro giornate
della fiera il Mipaaf ha organizzato una serie di eventi degustativi ed incontri scientifici, ai
quali hanno partecipato numerose persone. <br><br><br>Tutti gli appuntamenti svolti <a href=…